Sade's eccentric uncle. Mentioned a lot early in the series, shows up in episode 87 of the surviving episodes. He used to belong to so many clubs & organizations that he spent $200 a year on dues. He denies vehemently that he's ever been to Boone, Iowa although evidence seems to supply a much different story. Also denies being in East St. Louis. Is very thoughtful and kind. Loves popcorn - "Popcorn hits the spot" as he says. Seems to have a bad memory or is just plain crazy. Carries a huge amount of keys with him. Lent Rush a hammock. Gets up at 5:30 in the morning. Isn't very fond of Dottie Brainfeeble, but then who is except Sade and Chuck? Oils his shoes. Is going to work as a milkman for a half of a morning for Emmett Fadler. knows horses like the back of his hand.
[Played by Clarence Hartzell]
Episodes that Uncle Fletcher appeared in (to date):
41-02-07 Landlady's Photos Again
41-02-24 Uncle Fletcher To Meet 1 AM Train
41-03-18 After Dinner Talk
41-04-xx Company Coming, 13 People
41-05-13 Uncle Fletcher Wants Mementos Stored
41-05-21 Uncle Fletcher's Keys
41-07-01 Easy Chair
41-08-26 Uncle Fletcher the Protector
41-09-17 Don't Help Dust Uncle Fletcher
41-10-09 It's Algebra, Uncle Fletcher
41-10-31 Broken Alarm Clocks
41-11-xx No Hookey For Vic and Rush
41-12-08 The Bottom Buffet Drawer
41-12-xx Uncle Fletcher's Train Trip to Dixon
42-08-xx Washrag Collection
42-02-09 Uncle Fletcher Comes to Visit
42-02-24 Rawhide Shoestrings
42-02-26 Putting Up the Porch Swing
42-03-09 Uncle Fletcher's Unopened Letter
42-05-xx Trip to Carberry
42-08-18 Attic Cleaning
43-01-07 Fred Might Join the Lodge
43-02-15 Dottie's Letter From Chuck
43-02-16 Leland Richards is Coming
43-02-17 Leland Richards Is Homesick
43-06-08 Front Porch Swing
43-07-23 Changes to the Regalia
43-08-20 Picking Up Vic in Fred's Car
43-09-20 Fifty Photos of Vic
43-10-27 Thimble Club Meeting
43-11-03 Watch Fob Collection
43-11-11 Stingyberry Jam
43-11-12 Uncle Fletcher's Packing Problem
43-11-29 A Garbage Wagon Pass
44-01-24 Vic is Sleeping On the Couch
Spilled gravy on that hat...