Friend of Uncle Fletcher's from Dismal Seepage, Ohio. Worked for the railroad and put a railroad car together in his backyard. Uncle Fletcher was to invite him to Mis' Keller's wedding. Seems to have a thing for Mis' Harris. In Series 3 became a real character. Talks continually with shingle nails in his mouth. He and Uncle Fletcher plan to sleep on the courthouse lawn in November of 1945. Has a married daughter that lives in Dismal Seepage, Ohio. Has a scrapbook devoted to himself and with Uncle Fletcher, showed it to Mis' Harris. Got engaged to Mis' Harris; even going as far as to remove his shingle nails, at least temporarily. Wears his cap backwards and wears his shoes on the wrong feet. Once found a letter in his hat at a Seattle, Wash. theater in 1932 from Promptez Helena de Santel whose phone number was Yosemite 6754.
With Shingle nails: {{{HEAR}}}
Without shingle nails: {{{HEAR}}}